Brian Krzanich is on stage…
“Silicon leadership.”
“Lead in every segment of computing.”
First area…re-architecting the data center. Then…
Fanless Y-Series Haswell laptop from HP…
14nm Broadwell coming. Products in 2014.
First Broadwell laptop. (Based on Harris Beach design.)
2-in-1’s as low ass $400. “This is where the PC is heading.”
Lenovo Miix 8 is on stage…
First 22nm phone…
Internet of things…
Quark series of SoC’s announced.
1.5th size.
1/10th power.
Synthesizable…(with 3rd party IP)
Intel working on wearables.
Rene James on stage. Talking about software…
Task-based computing (past)–> Lifestyle computing (now) –> Integrated Computing (next)
Integrated is embedded, wearables, Internet of things…
[Side thought: Not much on BayTrail. We’re expecting that tomorrow.]
More progress…
Left replaces right and will be like a patch soon.
More on health and personalized medicine and care.
1 persons genomic data is one Petabyte of data.
One single genome sequence costs $10K. Moving to 1K. Some companies, using DNA maps, moving a biology problem to a computation problem.
Rene highlights the amount of compute power and storage needed for these processes.
Keynote closes with questions.