Posted on 14 July 2008
The software that could resurrect Windows Mobile devices as acceptable Internet browsing tools is delayed. Or at least the beta is delayed.
Apparently there’s a few bugs they want to iron out before they release the s/w so you won’t be able to download it until Thursday. Its OK by me as the 624Mhz, 4" VGA iPaq 214 that I was going to borrow to test it out hasn’t turned up yet.
Via The Unwired.
Posted on 27 June 2008
James says we should jump on this and Matt highly recommends we should download it. If you’ve got a compatible device that is! Opera Mobile 9.5 will be available as a public beta for Windows Mobile on the 15th July. Its based on the same browser engine as the desktop 9.5 version which has quite a fast rendering engine. (I had some issues when I tested 9.5 Desktop with javascript-heavy pages recently though. I hope that doesn’t filter through to the mobile version because it will impact a lot of the web applications.) The mobile version also has some nice small-screen and finger enhancements too.
I’ve got an option to test out the HP iPAQ 214, the 275-Euro, 624Mhz, 4″ VGA, Wifi, Bluetooth, Windows Mobile 6 PDA and as before, I’m wondering if Opera Mobile 9.5 would turn it into a MID. It’s not 800×480 but at 275-Euro, it might make a nice pocketable companion device for a feature phone. I think i’ll take up the offer. It might be good to side-by-side it with a MID anyway.